My sourdough bread is made just with flour, water, salt, and sourdough culture. It is made without any artificial additives or preservatives.

It’s all about flavor.

In the old days, bakers relied on sourdough to slowly leaven their breads, using time-honored techniques such as fermentation, soaking, and sprouting to unlock nutrients of whole grains that are otherwise not accessible to our bodies or difficult to digest.
Nearly all of our breads are made with long fermentation, creating loaves that are very flavorful, easier to digest, and more dense in nutrients.

I am using premium ingredients, mostly organic, and try to source them locally whenever possib


The stone-ground flour as well as most of the specialty grains, that are freshly milled in-house for each bake, I source at Barton Springs Mill and Janie’s Mill (both certified organic).

The repertoire of baked goods keeps growing. Since WUNDERLOAF is a tiny business, there is only a selection available each bake day, and some items may only show up on pop ups or as special bakes.

To find out what’s on the menu, sign up to get notified about upcoming sales ︎︎︎
or find more details on how to get a WUNDERLOAF ︎︎︎

It lasts for days unless you eat it all...

A few tips on storing your bread:

• A sourdough loaf needs to breathe.

• Keep the bread in the paper wrapper or in a cotton or linen towel on the counter for freshness (cut side down). It might dry out after a while, but it will not mold or get too chewy as if wrapped in plastic without air circulation. Do not store in the fridge.

• After a few days, or if humidity is high and your loaf gets too chewy, it is an easy thing to refresh: Dab on some water and bake at 350°F for 5 to10 minutes, or until desired crispiness is reached.

• If you have too much bread, freeze it as soon as possible: Slice it up, pack it in a freezer bag, and put it in the freezer for a fresh toast in the morning. Or freeze half a loaf and take it out later in the week (defrost over-night), then refresh as described above.

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